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Cloud Reference

This section acts as a reference guide for some of the more technical details of ClickHouse Cloud and contains the following pages:

ArchitectureDiscusses the architecture of ClickHouse Cloud, including storage, compute, administration, and security.
SharedMergeTreeExplainer on SharedMergeTree, the cloud-native replacement for the ReplicatedMergeTree and analogues.
WarehousesExplainer on what Warehouses and Compute-Compute separation are in ClickHouse Cloud.
BYOC (Bring Your Own Cloud)Explainer on the Bring Your Own Cloud (BYOC) service available with ClickHouse Cloud.
ChangelogsCloud Changelogs and Release Notes.
Cloud CompatibilityA guide to what to expect functionally and operationally in ClickHouse Cloud.
Supported Cloud RegionsA list of the supported cloud regions for AWS, Google and Azure.